"That" Dead Tree

November 10, 2018  •  1 Comment

This isn't just any dead tree, it's something that has been calling to me for a very long time.

You see, I've been driving past this dead tree for about 5 years now.  I pass it a couple of times a day and every time I do I think to myself  "I really want to take a photo of that tree."  Honestly, I've really wanted to take a picture of it with one large bird hanging off the very tip of one of the branches, because in my mind that was going to be the perfect shot.  I can't tell you how many times I HAVE seen a big bird, usually a Crow, once a Kookaburra, and on one occasion a whole flock of black birds were keeping watch in what would have made a fantastic image. But as usual, I just drove by.

I'd been to Bribie to visit my Mum today and on the way home I noticed the soft light on the branches as the sun was just about set.  I had my camera in the car and thought to myself if I don't turn around now and go back to take a picture today I most likely never will!  I u-turned, stopped the car and finally stepped out to take 'a photo of the dead tree'. I took a few actually! And even though I didn't get the large bird sitting on the tip of a branch, what I did get was even better - well, I like the magpie in flight that popped in just as I hit the shutter.


Sometimes it's important to just take the time, in our otherwise busy and hectic life, to do something for the soul.  Something that is important to you. Something that you've always wanted to do or try and never allowed the luxury of stepping out or simply stopping, to do what is important.


I now have my photo of a dead tree. Not just any tree, but this important part of my every day life.  Even though it's always there when I drive past, and has been for as long as I remember, it won't always be.

Moments aren't forever. Life as we know it can change in the blink of an eye. Stopping to take a photo means this memory is now forever. Reminding me of the time I stopped, for what was important, to me. 


This Is Me

March 23, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

If you've ever wondered what it's like to have your portrait taken ... it's actually a lot of fun!!

And to prove it, I decided to do what every photographer puts off ... taking photos of yourself!

When a planned shoot got cancelled due to the recent rain (and how wonderful has THAT been), rather than retreating to the Office to catch up on, well, .. everything that always needs catching up on,...I decided to set up the studio and have a play!

So Hello!

If you want to know who'll be greeting you when you decide to have your portrait taken, this is me!


Model Material

February 07, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Can't tell you how enjoyable it was to shoot this talented young man!  Philip needed a grand total of two (yes ... 2!) images for his portfolio submission - one colour and one black and white. We managed to get quite a few more which means Philip will have plenty of images to select from over the following 12 months. But selecting those final 'two' - was a little tricky.  This is just a small sample of the many, many, faces. I'd say his future looks pretty good!!  

Impending Parenthood

February 07, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Eighteen months ago I met this beautiful couple and just 'loved' their connection. We'd never met before the shoot so I'm sure we were both a bit nervous initially - but that didn't last long.

We'd become Facebook friends after that shoot and I enjoyed watching them set up home in a new State and then to discovering they were to become parents!

When I received a call last year to say they were popping back to Toowoomba and would I mind taking pictures of them and their new 'tummy', I jumped at the chance! It was a cool winter morning, but their smiles and that 'connection' would warm any day ...


I felt so honoured to have this opportunity - and so excited to see them and to share in the excitement that they both had about their soon-to-be family!

Capturing the milestones in life is one of the true blessings of being someone with a camera.

I'm really looking forward to the next time ... and to meeting their gorgeous little girl.  

Spring Is Coming

August 30, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

One of the benefits of planning for a photoshoot, is discovering exactly what's 'happening' in the parks and gardens around Toowoomba.

I spend a lot of time travelling around town to see what is happening seasonally to find the 'best' place to capture those special memories.

And the benefits of doing this 'scouting' (as I call it), is discovering the seasonal changes and the 'small' things that give me so many wonderful opportunities when I've got my trusty camera in tow.

I love the Japanese Gardens, but at the moment it's not quite there from a foliage point of view. According to the gardener there, the blossoms will be in full bloom in about three weeks time. This doesn't work for me this time round, but it certainly has some lovely elements starting to show and should be a stunning place to visit around Carnival Of Flowers! 


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