Obsessed With Simple Things

October 23, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Have you ever felt an addiction to something?? That burning desire to forsake everything else in pursuit of whatever it is that consumes you completely?? That has been me, over the past week - with my camera!

I have a 90mm macro lens that quite honestly, is the most expensive lens I own - not because it cost the most, but because it rarely gets used!  Much like  all those lipsticks I've purchased over the years that I've never worn - I have a very expensive lipstick collection too!

The first 'play' I had with my 90mm was earlier in the week when I sat for ages, photographing a tiny lavender bud .. over, and over and over again. I had a vision in mind, and the mission was completed when a tiny ray of light from the afternoon sun popped by to shine just the right amount of light. I was happy!

Lavender - 90mm macro

The following morning, I made an unfortunate discovery in the 'garden that once was' that sits outside our front door.  We're a 'laundry entrance' family so the only reason I opened the front door was to check and see if my new camera had arrived and been left of the porch. It hadn't. But this flower popped up in the corner of my eye - and what made it an unfortunate discovery was for the pure fact that I could now think of nothing else other than "how can I capture this?" Another 90mm opportunity had arisen and it was my obligation to give it my best shot! The obsession / addiction continued. 


Lily 90mm macro

What I have discovered when trying to use a macro lens and very delicate subjects (petals) outside, is that no matter how steady your hand is, the slightest breeze creates an incredible amount of movement. I honestly can't remember if this shot above was taken before, or after I decided to cut the stem and relocate somewhere 'less breezy'.  Problem with cutting off a delicate flower like this is, you haven't got long before it starts to show signs of dying and I didn't want to pop it in a vase of water and have a 'leaning' flower. So improvising, I grabbed the spotty brown banana from the fruit bowl and stuck the stem smack bang in the centre of it and headed to the back porch.  The banana worked perfectly, as did the location, but I was desperately wanting that same 'sun kissed' effect that I'd achieved with the lavender the previous day.  With the breeze building up even more, I reached for the dusty torch that sits at the back door to create some sun.  The results were enough to keep me happy and I could now get on with my day - trying hard to keep my eyes focussed on the tasks at hand, and not the wonderful 'possibilities' for more testing of my 90mm lens! There have been more tests, of course, ... but that story can wait for another day. :)  Lily 2 90mm macro Lily 3 90mm macro


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